Outdoor learning, the how and for whom?

Outdoor Learning has been around for a long time as an alternative approach to learning. In more and more countries it is somehow integrated with the formal education system. Specially in the Scandinavian countries it is a structural part of the lesson. It has been used for many different purposes in different contexts. From taking first grade students on a small forest trip to explore nature, to a more complex approach for specific goals.

Schools and organizations

It is not only good for physical development, but also for personal and social development is very important. Running, jumping, cycling, dragging branches, children playing outside are physically more active than inside.

All that exercise is not only healthy and good for physical development, but it is also very important for personal and social development. Their motor development is boosted and the brain is fully stimulated, making all kinds of new connections. Playing and moving is the best way to get to know the world and yourself.

Even tasting is on the agenda outside: the taste of a raindrop? And why is a peanut butter sandwich so much better outside than inside?

Outdoor learning is not only gaining more support within education, but also outside it. Think of learning organizations, specifically youth work, social organization. Within these and more organizations, the use of outdoor learning is increasingly in demand.

We have various activities for this in our offer package.

For schools and institutions we have a so-called train the trainer module: Outdoor as a means.

A step further

If you want to take it a step further, we have something special for you. Together with Dr. Stephan Natynsczuk we developed the course: Blending soft and hard skills ”. During this training we will go deeper into the possibilities of outdoor activities for your specific target group.

SLOE - Stichting Learning by Outdoors and Experience

Especially for international projects there is SLOE, Foundation Learning by Outdoors and Experience.

We have already participated in projects in various foreign countries with this foundation. As a partner of Erasmus projects, trainer for various international youth projects. There are also several on the agenda for the future.

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