Discover the fun videos that have been made about Outrac.
Youth Personality Development - by VIN
VIN runs various projects under Youth Empowerment Program. One of them is Youth life skills development. This helps youth develop their personality tremendously. This is a short video based on a youth personality development workshop.
International training course co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme.
02-11 October 2021, Tsaghkadzor, Armenia.
Omroep Gelderland
Linda Geerdink dives into her program Linda breaks UIT! into the province to show what there is still to do in corona time. Bush crafting, for example, or surviving in the wild.
ProExc & Outrac
Teambuilding for managementteams.
Voluntour - Upper Mustang Nepal 2020
Voluntour is een programma van Outrac.